Portfoleon Timeline is our free roadmap tool that helps you create beautiful timelines for your roadmap presentation.
We want to share this tool with you, free of charge without any sort of registration or hidden payment, so just go ahead, grab a template and create your first timeline.
If you need to quickly put together a slide for your product roadmap, marketing roadmap, or a project plan please be welcome to use Portfoleon Timeline.
With Portfoleon Timeline you can:
- Copy and paste to your spreadsheet tool like Excel or Google Sheets;
- Make custom fields, such as Project responsible or Budget;
- Define swimlanes, for example to split cards by Market or Product line;
- Color-code timeline cards;
- Print the result.
To use Portfoleon Timeline you do not have to pay or subscribe to spammy marketing emails, the tool is free to use for everyone.
You can use Portfoleon Timeline right here or open it in a new tab. If you like Portfoleon Timeline, but you find the feature set lacking, check out Portfoleon, our commercial roadmapping and PPM tool.